вторник, 28 января 2020 г.


View Public Profile for dmor. For example, to set up a client with a client1 hostname, The target directory is then globally exported unless the -e flag is specified. After the installation is complete, you can remove the setup for the client named client2 by running the following command:. By now you will probably understand why you need so much space. If a target directory and label are specified that contain resources, then these resources will be used and no resources will be copied. I try to migrate a NIM server from one server to another.

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Lists the defined resource labels available to install a client. If a target directory and label are specified that contain resources, then these resources will be used and xix resources will be copied.

This is just a bunch of installable packages in a directory with a name to go by.

This part is really easy. I had some problem to perform an installation on my client using smit nim. There are no manuals as such and very niimol technical help on the WEB. You have to provide a "root" directory where the nim-resources will reside later.

The options allow bootpnot authoritativeand ddns-update-style none are added if they do not already exist. For example, if the client is named myaixclient. A broadcast bootp does not require the IP parameters to be set; the bserver, gateway and client would be 0.

You can then specify the network boot parameters and select the network device as the boot device. For example, to set up a client with a client1 hostname, Page 1 of 3.

NIM for Linux (nimol) - IBM: AIX - Tek-Tips

This will take a few hours. Item Description -C Specifies that the server should only ni,ol services without copying install resources. One can use the system do maintain diskless workstations or dataless workstations too, nikol to my knowledge this is rarely used. Item Description 0 The command completed successfully. View Public Profile for bakunin. Resource labels can be removed by specifying the -r flag with a resource label.

The default is to determine the hostname by running the hostname nimlo. Select Install or Boot a Device. If the hardware breaks you could use this image to restore the machine quickly. Run the bootlist command as follows: The command ensures that the required resources exist in aaix resource label's directory. For additional information on these commands, run the man command on the Linux server with the name of the specific NIMOL command. But in fact this is just a collection of installp-packages and a name to handle the collection as a whole.

Specifies the label or name of resources with which to install the client.

nimol_config Command

These commands are available on the Linux server. View Public Profile for johnf. I try to migrate a NIM server from one server to another. Hello, I have an AIX6. It is also a good idea to create some strict naming convention for the resources. But i want to automate alx process. Niml syslog daemon is configured to receive remote status by default.

The directory of the resource label is exported to the client if it is not already globally exported.

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