среда, 22 января 2020 г.


Do you have anything to say about the current problem of keyloggers and real-money trading RMT in GE? Even if we have to work for the weekend, it was worth it! During a brief lull in the action of Pioneers' Reconnaissance details here , I was able to put together a quick little chat with the new Philippines Community Manager, Veya. Non-PK Server Girls, third batch. Blogs and Fansites Click on my name to see more Granado Espada fan blogs and sites! Your full name and current position? granado espada ph

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Please do not take without permission. The point of being a GameMaster or Community Manager is having an authoritative representative or presence, however, for me, I just wanted to hangout and have some fun, as a gamer myself with the community.

And perhaps it might be better in the short run if the next events were more of EB-types, instead of competitions like this. I've resized many of the pics so I don't quite kill your browsers.

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Maybe the best moments are both in-game and in-real-life. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. My favorite was doing faction guild visitations — in-game and in-real-life. Also known as something to read while the long maintenance goes on - hey, a girl can dream, yeah? Subscribe in a reader.

granado espada ph

Subscribe in a reader. Posted by PJ Punla at I am a woman of a thousand faces. Regarding the RMT and the keyloggers, I might suggest to IAH that it come up with an official statement regarding its stand on these activities. But as they always say, every happy beginnings will have its happy-yet-nostalgic endings. How can the Espadz players, say, match up with the Cervantes players?

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My best friend Dang, also known as the Winterlake family in Carracci and the Sabatini family in Pachelbel. Dispatches from the New World.

Relly also conducted interviews of many of the participants: Posted by PJ Punla at The thing is, Pioneers' Reconnaissance is only the first of such tournaments, and there will be a lot of other tourneys and events coming in the future, so it's not necessary granadp anyone to feel left out. Friends and Fellow Pioneers. Your full name and current position?

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View my complete profile. That statement would grahado needed, as this is an issue that affects all the countries in which IAH is releasing GE.

For the first account, please click the link to DeSanggria's blog at the beginning of the post. Wanna wear one of these? And yes, I was only allowed to use a regular account, no edit, no filters, just plain unscripted hack and slash, day and night gaming. This way, it gave us inspirations in doing contests and other artistic events.

The Face Behind the Family: And oh, I love being in any iCafe events — these are the best! A lot of my work involves monitoring and guiding the GE Filipino gaming community. Non-PK Server Girls, third batch.

Update September

I remember that the first time Pioneers' Reconnaissance was announced, players from both Cervantes and Carracci servers could participate - and then after it got postponed to June 6, the rules were revised to say that only Filipinos on Cervantes esoada eligible to play.

Eespada and Fetuccini of Cervantes [formerly in my case], and stormseeks of Vivaldi. I am a woman of a thousand faces. So what is going to be done about GE's business model?

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